In the Beginning
We the Garden Of Life Church is a Church For All. It is Church for All irrespective of caste, creed, Gender. It is a relevant church where everyone could safely bring your friends who did not go to church.

On 21st October 2001, Garden Of Life Church has been started with the Grace Of The Lord by Rev.Dr.Ranjit Dominick KK and is continuing in Lords Service meeting every other Sunday.

Beyond the Numbers
Currently, Garden Of Life Church has over all 600 adults participating in three Sunday worship services in 12 town / villages. Children and students meet in small groups while their parents attend worship. During the week, adults meet around the villages in Community Groups for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.

Rev Dr Ranjit Dominick KK, founder of Garden Of Life Church, expresses this way the vision that he, the staff, and the attendees have for this church: “God hasn’t blessed Garden Of Life Church with success. What God has blessed us with is enormous potential to reach the unchurched people and unchurched Tribal Villages in the community.”

Leading those in the community into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is what drives everything we do at Garden Of Life Church.