Membership Questions


Does Garden Of Life Church have membership?

The moment you walk through the doors, you belong here and can consider this your church home. Since we don’t have traditional membership, you won’t be able to “join” the church as a “member,” but we hope you become fully engaged in the life and mission of the church. There are four ways to reach full engagement:

  1. Through serving on a ministry.
  2. Connecting in a group.
  3. Financially supporting the church.
  4. Inviting your friends to church.

 Those who are fully engaged with us are considered our members.

How do I become a member of the church?

We’re glad you’re interested in engaging in the life of our church. We don’t have traditional membership in the sense that you “join the church,” but we’d love to help you get connected. Our hope is for Garden Of Life Church to be a place where you can walk through the doors, call it your church home, and begin to get connected. Those who are fully engaged with us are considered our members. We describe full engagement as:

  • Connecting in a group.
  • Serving in Ministry.
  • Supporting the church financially.
  • Inviting friends to church.

How do I become fully engaged here?

We want to be a church where unchurched people, unreached area like the Tribal areas love to attend and engage. In order to be that kind of church, we need the help of those who share our passion for creating environments where the unchurched can be inspired to follow Jesus. You can engage in the life of the church by doing four things:

  • Connecting in group prayers.
  • Serving during church service
  • Supporting the church financially.
  • Inviting friends to church.

What if I need a membership confirmation letter for a reference?

We are able to provide a confirmation letter based on your involvement. Please contact us for more details.